

Saturday, December 11, 2010

GM's EN-V Envisions Future of Personal Mobility

Rapid urbanization, aging populations and more demand for personal mobility globally present challenges today’s vehicles will be hard-pressed to meet. Envisioning what that future will need gave birth to the Electric Networked Vehicle, or EN-V.

“In megacities like London, New York, Beijing, Singapore and New Delhi, the sheer number of vehicles on the road has become unsustainable,” says Chris Borroni-Bird, General Motors director of Advanced Technology Vehicle Concepts.
“Building more and wider roads is expensive and doesn't really solve all of the problems, meaning that smarter solutions are needed,” he says. “Public transportation is important, but with so many people going from point to point in different directions, some personal transport is needed as well.”
Following completion of the Chevrolet Sequel fuel cell vehicle program in 2007, Borroni-Bird began working on what became the EN-V program. The first concepts debuted at the recent 2010 Expo Shanghai, where they wowed crowds and collected awards.
“One step is to reduce the physical footprint of vehicles, especially since so many only carry one or two occupants anyway,” he says. “By shrinking EN-V down to just two wheels and two upright seats, several of these vehicles can fit in the same physical space as one traditional car. Electric propulsion in short-range urban commuter vehicles will allow air quality in megacities to be vastly improved.”
The EN-V concepts take advantage of enabling technologies developed within GM, including powertrain electrification, sensing, automation and Telematics.
Combining vehicle-to-infrastructure communications technology pioneered by OnStar and vehicle-to-vehicle communications, EN-V users could benefit from real-time rerouting to avoid congestion while advanced sensing technology could allow autonomous operation privately or as part of vehicle-sharing programs.
As part of a public sharing network, a user could summon an autonomous vehicle to his or her location using a smartphone application and then sit back and relax while they are whisked off to a destination. Without the need to drive, passengers are able to take advantage of OnStar communications technology to work or play while safely riding.
The sensing technology, derived from the winning vehicle in the 2007 DARPA Urban Challenge allows EN-V to detect other vehicles, obstacles and pedestrians, virtually eliminating crashes.
For those that prefer to drive, the light and nimble, fun-to-drive EN-V offers full manual control while its autonomous mode can provide a new degree of independence to the young, old and physically challenged.
“EN-V represents another major step forward in GM’s leadership in the development of advanced vehicle technology,” says Borroni-Bird. “By creating a new automobile DNA through the convergence of electrification and connectivity, EN-V offers the promise of eliminating traffic congestion, crashes and  emissions in tomorrow’s urban communities.”
Provided by General Motors

Nokia Aeon

Nokia developing phone that recharges itself without mains electricity.

By Duncan Graham-Rowe

Standby mode is often accused of being the scourge of the planet, insidiously draining resources while offering little benefit other than a small red light and extra convenience for couch potatos. But now Nokia reckons a mobile phone that is always left in standby mode could be just what the environment needs.

Nokia's Research centre in Helsinki. Photograph: Antti Aimo-Koivisto/AFP/Getty Images

A new prototype charging system from the company is able to power itself on nothing more than ambient radiowaves – the weak TV, radio and mobile phone signals that permanently surround us. The power harvested is small but it is almost enough to power a mobile in standby mode indefinitely without ever needing to plug it into the mains, according to Markku Rouvala, one of the researchers who developed the device at the Nokia Research Centre in Cambridge, UK.

This may sound too good to be true but Oyster cards used by London commuters perform a similar trick, powering themselves from radiowaves emitted by the reader devices as they are swiped. And similarly old crystal radio sets and more recently modern radio frequency identification (RFID) tags, increasingly used in shipping and as antitheft devices, are powered purely by radiowaves.

The difference with Nokia's prototype is that instead of harvesting tiny amounts of power (a few microwatts) from dedicated transmitters, Nokia claims it is able to scavenge relatively large amounts of power — around a thousand times as much — from signals coming from miles away. Individually the energy available in each of these signals is miniscule. But by harvesting radiowaves across a wide range of frequencies it all adds up, said Rouvala.

Such wireless transfer of energy was first demonstrated by Nikola Tesla in 1893, who was so taken with the idea he attempted to build an intercontinental transmission tower to send power wirelessly across the Atlantic. Nokia's device is somewhat less ambitious and is made possible thanks to a wide-band antenna and two very simple circuits. The antenna and the receiver circuit are designed to pick up a wide range of frequencies — from 500 megahertz to 10 gigahertz — and convert the electromagnetic waves into an electrical current, while the second circuit is designed to feed this current to the battery to recharge it.

The trick here is to ensure that these circuits use less power than is being received, said Rouvala. So far they have been able to harvest up to 5 milliwatts. Their short-term goal is to get in excess of 20 milliwatts, enough power to keep a phone in standby mode indefinitely without having to recharge it. But this would not be enough to actually use the phone to make or receive a call, he says. So ultimately the hope is to be able to get as much as 50 milliwatts which would be sufficient to slowly recharge the battery.

Steve Beeby, an expert in harvesting ambient energy at the University of Southampton, said it would be a remarkable achievement. . "Radio frequency power falls off exponentially with distance," he says. Earlier this year researchers at Intel and the University of Washington, in Seattle, showed that they could power a small sensor using a TV signal 4.1 kilometres away.

Wireless charging is not intended as a sole energy source, but rather to be used in conjunction with other energy harvesting technologies, such as handset casings embedded with solar cell materials. According to Technology Review magazine, the phone could be on the market in three to five years.

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Tweak Your Ceiling Fan

When was the last time you paid any attention to the humble ceiling fan, spinning all lonely-like above your head? Stop giving it the runaround and show it some love.
Here's our guide to calibrating, hacking and improving your ceiling fan.
This collection of tips and hacks is part of a wiki anyone can edit. If you have advice to add about putting a new spin on your ceiling fan, log in and contribute.

Flip the switch

Ceiling fans don't cool or warm a room, but they can circulate the air such that it feels warmer and cooler to you.
The trick is make sure your fan is spinning the right way:
In the winter, that means the fan blades push warm air down as it rises, to circulate heat around the room. In the summer, the fan blades push warm air up & allow cooler air from below to circulate.
Turn on your fan and note which way it's spinning. If necessary, flip the switch which should be on the main fan drum near the pull chain.

Fix a wobbly fan

Wobbles are worse than annoying. They will actually wear down the motor bearings and bushings, leading to nights filled with dreadful squeaking and whining.
The first trick to balancing a ceiling fan is mark each blade with a bit of tape. For added visual help when the blade is spinning, put a bit of florescent paint on each piece of tape, one color per blade. The paint will make it much easier to keep track of the blades when they're spinning.
Now go around each blade and tighten all the mounting screws to make sure everything is firmly in place.
The next step is to stop the fan and use a ruler or yard stick to measure the distance between the ceiling and the leading edge of each blade. This will tell you which of the blades -- if any -- is out of alignment.
If the edge of a blade is clearly out of whack (step up to eye level to check) you can try gently bending the blade's mounting bracket up or down. If that works then you're home free, if not, read on.

Balance it

If the wobble is too severe for you to correct by bending the blade brackets, or if you just don't trust yourself to bend it properly, you can add weights to the blades to correct a wobble.
You'll need a binder clip and some small magnets or weights (U.S. quarters works well).
Clamp one of the small weights to the blade using the binder clip. Start by placing it in the center of the blade that's farthest out of alignment and turn the fan on to the speed to produces the most wobble. You may have to move the clip from blade to blade until you find the best position to correct the problem. Once you've found the most promising blade to work with, begin to slide the weighted clip in and out along the length of the blade until the wobbling stops.
Once you have found the perfect spot for the clip, apply some very strong adhesive to the weight on the back of the blade where the clip is located. Remove the clip, and your fan should be working properly.
If this isn't working, or if you're not confident that your adhesive is strong enough to hold the weight on, head to your local hardware store and pick up a balancing kit. The kits are cheap and consist of a set of self-adhesive weights and a weighted clip.

Light it up

The fan works fine, but it's pretty boring to look at. Some inventive hackers have taken to installing POV systems on their fans. These consist of a strip, or several strips, of multi-colored LEDs arranged along the fan blades. When the fan spins, the LEDs flash at a rate that produces an image. A POV system can be used to draw groovy patterns and shapes, or to display text.
You can get Adafruit's popular SpokePOV ($38 to $100), which is made for bicycle wheels, and modify it to light up your ceiling fan.
Also, Instructables user UncleBone has created his own ceiling fan POV. Check out his step-by-step instructions for further ideas.

new concept car for coming years.